Bodo–Kachari Tribe of Assam


Assam, a land known for its diverse cultural identities, is home to various indigenous tribes, each contributing to the vibrant heritage of the region. Among these, the Bodo–Kachari tribe holds a unique place, with their rich history, distinct language, and captivating traditions.

Bodo–Kacharis, also referred to as Kacharis or Bodos or Boros represents a cluster of ethnic communities primarily residing in the northeastern Indian states of Assam, Tripura, and Meghalaya. This nomenclature is commonly employed by anthropologists and linguists to categorize these diverse groups.

Historical Background of the Bodo–Kachari people

The roots of the Bodo–Kachari tribe can be traced back to ancient times. Believed to be one of the earliest ethnic groups in Assam, the Bodo people have a history that intertwines with the land they inhabit. Their migration patterns and interactions with other neighboring communities have shaped their identity and cultural evolution over the centuries.

Linguists believe that the speakers of the Tibeto–Burman language made their way to the Brahmaputra valley through Tibet, eventually establishing their settlements in the foothills of the eastern Himalayan range. This encompassed vast territories, including Assam, Tripura, North Bengal, and certain regions of Bangladesh.

Language and Literature

At the heart of their culture lies their unique language. The Bodo language, belonging to the Tibeto-Burman family, is not just a means of communication but also a vessel for their oral traditions and literary heritage.

Over time, efforts have been made to preserve and promote the Bodo language through literature. Various folktales, songs, and poems have been passed down through generations, offering insights into their worldview and historical narratives.

Culture and Traditions

The cultural mosaic of the Bodo–Kachari tribe is rich and multifaceted. Their traditions are a testament to their close connection with the land and nature. Rituals and festivals play a significant role in their lives, marking various milestones such as harvesting, sowing, and community bonding.

Image via Facebook (Sudem Sona Ramchiary)

The Bwisagu festival, celebrating the traditional New Year, stands out as a colorful and joyous occasion filled with dance, music, and traditional attire. Merrymaking, centered on music and dance, defines the festival. Young men play the “Sifung” flute, “Kham” drum, and the four-stringed “Serjã,” accompanying these with bamboo “Thãrkhã” beats. Girls, in joyful bands, dance and add melody with the “Gongonã” Jew’s harp and small “jotha” cymbals.


In traditional practices, the Bodos embraced Bathouism, a belief centered around the worship of the supreme God. According to Bathouism, before the universe’s creation, a vast void existed, within which the formless supreme being ‘Aham Guru,’ Anan Binan Gosai, or Obonglaoree resided. Alongside Bathouism, some Bodo individuals have adopted Hinduism, particularly Hoom Jaygya. This worship involves fire ceremonies conducted on a clean surface near homes or courtyards.

Around 10% of the Bodos follow Christianity, primarily within the Baptist denomination. Noteworthy Bodo Christian organizations include the Boro Baptist Convention and the Bodo Baptist Church Association.

Agriculture and Livelihood

Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy and way of life. The tribe practices both shifting cultivation and settled farming, embracing sustainable methods that resonate with their respect for nature. Crops like rice, maize, millet, and vegetables are cultivated, reflecting their deep connection to the land.


In their habitat, the Boros engaged in shifting cultivation to ensure self-sufficiency and to manage forest resources. To overcome the challenges of cultivating in this demanding terrain, the Bodos ingeniously devised cost-effective irrigation systems that supported their shifting agricultural practices. Activities like land cultivation, sowing, harvesting, irrigation, and hunting were all communal endeavors. As key controllers of forest-derived goods, they assumed intermediary roles in trade between the plains and hills, fostering intricate relationships.

For centuries, the Bodos sustained their shifting cultivation lifestyle, at least until the 18th century. Gradually, their mobility decreased, and during the colonial era, many of them either rejected permanent land ownership or showed little interest in obtaining official landholding documentation. Additionally, weaving and handicrafts contribute to their livelihood, showcasing their artistic talents.

Music and Dance

Bodo Dance

Music and dance are integral components of the Bodo–Kachari cultural landscape. Their traditional dances, such as the Bagurumba dance, depict stories from their history and mythology. Accompanied by melodious tunes and rhythmic beats, these performances are not only a form of entertainment but also a medium for passing down their heritage to younger generations.


The Bodo–Kachari tribe of Assam exemplifies the vibrant mosaic of human diversity. Anchored in Assam’s ancient landscapes, their language, culture, and traditions have thrived through the ages. Despite contemporary challenges, the community remains steadfast in preserving its distinct identity, commemorating its heritage through festivals, dances, and their unbreakable bond with the land.

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